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Old 02-02-2012, 11:39 AM
mysterynomore mysterynomore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 59
There are so many techniques out there on how to connect to the sacred source or what I call the primal grid.
The ancients used there buildings to harness these energy's on major vortex points.

Meditation alone will not do it. The reason for this is that our world is so disconnected at this point that the majority of people are set in concrete.

There energy points in there body have become unbalanced.
The whole system of points are not aligned with the energy
influx of the grid.

So, do we need to go to these sites to lock into the grids energy points and realign ourselves?

The conduit seems to be the quartz crystal...With copper and crystal you get a line of coduit that seems to lock into these points. Intent and focus to this source brings it into being.

The self must be in a calm and peaceful state to get these energy's through...So what we term meditation is the form that brings us to that state.

I'll elaborate on a device that I think is a conduit in the coming days ....The ancients used a similiar line so we can copy it to some extent.
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