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Old 01-02-2012, 08:09 PM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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I actually Astral projected in a dream last night. It was weird I was dreaming I was in some room with someone who I have no idea who it was. I was laying on the couch and the vibrational stage came on but I missed it. Well in my dream I laid down again after that and quickly entered vibrational stage. I left my body and sure enough had the same entities grabbing on me.

I flew up pretty good this time into the black abyss and right when I was about to enter the Astral planes that are just above earth I got blocked out and couldn't fly any higher. I sorta sat there floating for a couple seconds trying to detach the entities hands from me. I was praying God help, Jesus help, Archangels help me. Then I said "In his name I smite thee" and when I said that I said it with my physical body and woke up from the dream/projection. I might try that again next time they grab me maybe it will work since it woke me up somehow.
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