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Old 01-02-2012, 05:48 AM
athribiristan athribiristan is offline
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Originally Posted by I-Ching
How do you know that your space is actually protecting you?

Interesting question. I think the key concept here is discernment. It takes practice to discern different energies...practice helps here. The best advice I can give is to ask "how does this make me FEEL?". And then trust your feelings. An example would be walking into a room and suddenly feeling anxious, or nervous, or hot/cold. More specifically if you are doing some divining and having trouble concentrating, or sitting still or getting comfortable, there is likely some bad energy around.

Another important point to remember is that YOU have the power. Other energies and beings can only enter your space if YOU allow it. Being confident in your own power will make it impossible for these energies/beings to affect you.

Why don't you use tools anymore? What do you use?

I used I Ching, and pendulums, and Tarot, and playing cards, and stones (lithomancy), and numerology, and some others but I finally realized what the common thread in all of those modalities is: ME. Each of these tools are just They have no power to fortell anything until an actual person enters the equation. The person is the key, not the tools.

How do know your "sacred pouch" would have done it?

The pouch was intended to keep things safe. I see no reason that it wouldn't.

Good questions...interesting topic....thanks.
With Love,
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