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Old 21-01-2012, 11:22 PM
Westleigh Westleigh is offline
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Serenity, I'm puzzled by your remark that most mediums cannot call on spirits at will (unless they have "special work?" I'm not sure what that might mean). I agree with the OP. I have always been able to connect with whoever I like in spirit simply by focusing on their energy, and I'm not aware of having been given some sort of special dispensation to do so. It's not something I do willy-nilly and I am always careful to follow my guidance, but I find the idea of not having that ability as peculiar as the idea of owning a telephone one can answer but not make calls with.

You speak of limitations a lot. Mediums can't do this, or there are bans on that. This does not feel comfortable to me. I feel one of the most important lessons spirit always tries to teach me is that, in the infinity of existence, limitations do not exist unless we create them for ourselves.


Originally Posted by mac
Isn't it said that communication between discarnates and incarnates is via telepathy anyway? And what characterises communication with spirit individuals compared with "physical consciousness to physical consciousness" (pc-pc) communication?
It's probably understandable that pc-pc communication is more challenging - we're not equipped for it and why would we be?

Yes, I agree that both are forms of telepathy. Again, I can only speak from my own experience here, but I find marked differences between telepathic communication with a spirit or human consciousness. There is far more "resistance" when trying to establish a connection between physical minds. Generally it takes directed effort and concentration from both parties, takes time and effort to establish a connection properly, and it is a challenge trying to get through coherent information. When a spirit communicates with another spirit they do so as easily and naturally as two humans would speak aloud to one another with words. I suppose when a human is communicating with a spirit there are challenges on the side of the human receiving but what is coming from the spirit is an easy flow of communication. Therefore, when a human speaks to the spirit aspect of a person, they are communicating with that aspect of them which lacks any resistance. It "feels" like spirit communication, not human communication.

Agreed but can we be certain they are what's being accessed in other states?
I wonder about what that achieves? Are matters markedly different from one's conscious perception of one's self? Does one's 'higher self' constantly make allowance for the shortcomings of it's 'total self'?

I don't think we can be certain about anything! Anything spiritual is practically impossible to gather any definitive physical proof about. I'm not sure what you mean about making allowance for shortcomings. I see HS as being the complete aspect of us which understands our life purpose, what we are doing and why, has access to our spiritual memories, and acts as a link between the physical consciousness and spirit - but that does not make our physical consciousness less or incomplete, just part of something larger. And that being the case, the HS can be a useful source of guidance. Personally, it is not my preferred one as I find the experience of talking to myself a little bizarre, but I know many people find it helpful. This is a good description which I would agree with, I think.

And yet there appears to be few/no verifiable details....
I prefer to reach conclusions only when I have adequate data and I'm trying to avoid any premature conclusion that the situation is anything other than fanciful.
I'd love to learn that there might be a reliable way to reach individuals trapped in the so-called persistent vegetative state.

As I said, it would make sense to me that this is possible based on my own experiences and that of others I have spoken to. I'd also be interested in discovering more about it. It is a difficult subject to imagine finding data about, and while I'm happy to tell you what I have found, unfortunately I don't have much in the way of quantifiable information to offer about this idea as it's not an area I have explored very much myself.
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