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Old 19-01-2012, 05:03 PM
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Higher Self contact

I remember the first time i came in contact with my Higher Self. it was like i had rediscovered God, but this time i can talk and He/She can reply back. My life was in turmoil and i had no sense of direction. I thought i was Mr. Know it all and didn't take any advice from anyone. That was until my Higher Self came. Just before i dozed of to sleep i saw and felt Him/Her passing right in front of me with an image so blurry all i saw was just a blurry image roving about before my. The voice was unmistakable, it felt as if i had always known it and it felt so wise, so caring and compassionate but with firmness and authority. My Higher Self told me: " Work with them(my parents who wanted to help me), I will guide you." My mother was so shocked yet happy at my willingness to cooperate and work with her the following morning.

That wasn't the last time I got in contact with my Higher Self. I eventually learnt that just when I am about to sleep, my left brain(the unbeliever, Thomas the doubter), shuts down and my higher senses open up which enable the communication between me and my Higher Self. So i taught myself to drift slowly into that stage while being aware. When my right brain starts flooding me with images and feelings, that is when i know i am ready to communicate. First i start by calling my Higher Self to answer my questions and "guide me" as He/She promised. then i formulate a scenario with images and charged with evoked feelings to describe my situation and circumstances which i need help with. Then i hold those images and feelings very firmly on my mind for about 30sec or as long as i can until they start fading from my awareness. i do this about 3 times and then i wait,-patiently. when the answers come they might be in words, or feelings, but most of the times they are in symbols which are very easy to decode.

this is what has been working for me. I am learning so much about myself that i don't think that i need a guru, a priest or what you have. I have them all here with me!
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