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Old 17-01-2012, 04:05 AM
IsleWalker IsleWalker is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Catalina Island, California
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I really did LOL when I read your post---because I did exactly the same thing. I would go on walks and think I was feeling guides or my Dad around. I would get a squeaking tree. I would ask again--nothing--until I walked on further.

This went on for weeks. I began to call it the Talking Tree. And each time I talked myself out of believing it. Eventually I just got pieces of bark falling down when I asked the question.

I finally said (in my head) "Is this the best you can do?? At least you could have dropped it on my head so I'd know it was you. "

The next time I walked I had just gotten inside the gate and a huge 20 foot section of tree came crashing down on the road and the tip of the branch landed gently on the top of my running shoe. Funny guys, they are!

Someone recently pointed out what skills and energy they have to exert to do these things for us in just the right way at just the right time.

No one can make you be certain. Just try to stay open. Later it will seem really funny to you that you doubted.

Good luck in your journey (and watch out for falling trees!).

IsleWalker - Lora
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