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Old 16-01-2012, 05:27 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, to engage your spirits in peacefulness, you must touch your essence. This state of being is reached when you meditate or spend quiet time in nature. Each

of you knows instinctively what nurtures your soul and what does not. the soul can become calloused or wounded in such a way that it nearly gives up. Many who

walk the earth are in a state of soulful despair. Ones motive cannot easily be healed, if one continuously stays in situations that demoralize the soul. Karmic debt can

be turned around if one is willing to surrender what does not uplift the spirit. Always ask your innate spirit for help. When there is the willingness to shift your

consciousness and you are sincere about making change, you situation will change. Some choose to create deepest despair, before choosing to shift into positive

change. Take note of your surroundings, are they harmonious to the spirit? These are the things that can be shifted by adjusting your thoughts and reactions. If

something or someone irritates you, look at that, and learn to see from a different angle. Perhaps you can recognize the humor in some of these situations. You can

never change another person, you can only change your perception of what is presented to you. If you choose to see life as a game, then these things are just

challenges to the being to shift its perspective from dislike to a neutral and balanced state of perceiving. Your choice is to see beyond the limitations of the body/ego,

so you can understand what is really being communicated. Many who lash out and blame are only reaching out for help. If you respond in kind, it only inflates the

situation. Try kindness and understanding, this alone will help one to realize there is another way to approach lifes situations. This requires a constant state of

awareness. Do not let busyness be an excuse. Life is an ever constant uplifting of consciousness but it takes persistence and willingness for change. Eventually it will

become second nature, and you will find your situations increasingly balanced and nurturing. It is your decision to climb out of the rut and renew your path to a

knowing of what is true and uplifting to the soul. There is always the counterfeit way way of approaching life and it is learned from an early age. It is not truth, and it

will only dig you deeper into illusion. Your hearts are strong and each of you are up to the challenge of overcoming the false. Many of you are here to show the way

for the masses. It is time to take the torch, and be that light, which leads to infinite life. Babaji
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