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Old 16-01-2012, 04:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
I still don't think I have found my primary element. I believe I am leaning slightly toward air at the moment.

Twisting the question slightly - you who DO know what your primary element is; how do you use this knowledge? Do you summon or use energy from that element with any particular benefit? Anything else?

Let see if I can answer this and I hope it makes sense. I move in what is known a 'bird medicine', my rituals and practices are always done with my power animals and they are both birds. I use a feather prayer stick/wand when doing my rituals, feathers are representative of the air element. Using candles also brings into the rituals the need for air to have a flame and to carry the intentions. I also use windchimes as they carry healing sound as needed for certain things. Blue calcite when handled for me releases like a breeze to my spirit and clears the way for my intentions. Other abilities I work with require the element air to be able to do them properly.
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