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Old 14-01-2012, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a
C. Google 'The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary' and ask them for absent healing. These boys n girls are the best of the best. And I mean the best.
Lordy, your situation takes me back a bit. Yep, done all that, got the T shirt and the groovy boots to go with This fight mate has to come from within you, and it's a toughie. Once you ask for help the ball will start to roll, and in the direction you want it to roll in. Don't start digging into what people have to say in weirded out books that will urge you to open up to this n that. This will confuse the bejayzus outta ya. Other than works by 'Silver Birch' (another Google) of course, who will tell you what is, not what to believe in. Hard facts of what all this life and living business is about. I liken his works to a driving manual. These are the facts kinda thing.
Try to remove the situation that makes you want to binge it up. That could be other people or a situatuion in your private life, ie a nutty bird, mates who are into the scene of drink and drugs and perhaps music too. That was my area of opperations back in the day. Try to get a hold of this veering off course business using your own power that you have within and get your absent healing going. They are a terrific places to start the ball rolling of coming back.
I wont wish you luck as you don't need it, 'cause all you need is you. And I'm sure you are big enough, tough enough and clued in enough, to pull yerself back from this path and onto one that will see you and the rest of your life in a much much better situation and light. We are urging you on and are with you ... Give it a go bud!

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