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Old 16-10-2010, 02:40 PM
SeaZen SeaZen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Chicago
Posts: 988
Originally Posted by OceanWaves19161
Try not to help these people at this time unless they sincerly wish to change (sometimes people need to fall down before they are able to change) and often they will attempt to drain you of your energy. They are not bad people but you do not need to help them...spirit will help them through other means. Work with those that you feel energetically aligned with and those who do not overly drain your energy (it's okay if you are a little drained but don't let your energy run on empty.

Thanks. This really resonates with me. I have helped such an individual up to a point but he is highly politically toxic in a partisan way and wishes to remain so and wants to drag me down with him so I had to let go. It feels great to be rid of him and let spirit take it from there.

As a note to lightworkers, it is better for these individuals to make it so this type of person lets go of you instead of you letting go of them. I did this by emailing him and letting him know that I would no longer tolerate any type of political discourse from him whatsoever but that I valued our spiritual discussions and looked forward to that and I left the choice up to him whether he wished to continue the friendship and he didnt. If you let go of them without giving them the choice, it will fuel all kinds of negativitiy, resentment and ill will in them.
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