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Old 20-12-2011, 08:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteShaman
I'm curious Aquarian. After reading this thread a few days ago and remembering my Yogananda days, I did some research on Babaji.
I remember being strongly 'drawn' to Babaji after reading Autobiography of a Yogi but i didn't know (and you alude to it here) that the mention of him in that book started a series of these such things (people channeling him and or seeing him).
What I am curious about is why you call him the Holy avatar of avatars?
Do you have experience of him outside of Yoganandas book?
Through Yogananda's instruction, I met God the Father - the most significant experience of my life. It was brief and I didn't get round to asking about Babaji.

But because of this experience, and because Yogandanda communicated a more accurate version of reality than anyone else I've found, I trust his word.

An Avatar is a perfected being. Perfected even beyond Sri Yukteswar who came back from the dead to describe the world that the ascended hope to ascend to. Perfected beyond Lahiri who could actually levitate.

It was Yogananda who called Babaji Mahavatar or Great Avatar. Sri Yogananda himself had to wait something like 10 years for a visit from Babaji, his guru's guru's guru -- and that was because Babaji had a mission for Yogananda to bring Kriya to the West.

Yogananda, who consulted with Jesus on the real meaning of the Gospels, stated that Babaji was Jesus's counterpart corporeally present on planet Earth - and that he'd been here for 300 years at least.
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