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Old 18-12-2011, 06:30 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Message from Babaji Part 3

In every life there is a seed. This seed is meant to sprout and then be nurtured so that it grows into something magnificent and beautiful. You have let your seeds

sprout but then you forget to water them. You neglect to remove the weeds so that your sprout can grow in the light. All come to earth with a special purpose and

meaning. If you do not discover that meaning then you are not living to your fullest. Once you have chosen the path of freedom, and abide by its laws, you will have

all that you need in this world, and in the next. Life was not given to be a struggle, rather it was given that you learn to take all it hands you and make well of it.

You are not here to destroy or judge, but to love and honor. Each of you are divine by nature and when you finally behold that spark of beauty, you will have no

trouble in knowing which direction to take. Life becomes simple and rewarding when you give your life to truth. the greatest power of the world is within each of you

and it only waits to be implemented so that you can create with beauty and wisdom. Do not throw this back into the face of God, use your talents to help each

other. The self cannot live in selfishness, this has gone on for too long. Precious beings, you are, and your gifts to the world are only just being discovered. This is

the reason you are here in such numbers, each of you has a distinct purpose in bringing balance back to the earth. Do not waste time grasping for things that are of

a material nature only, these are finite and give such limited pleasure. Go rather for the divine choices that bring happiness to all, and reunion of spirit to the all. Feel

the pain of another so you can learn compassion, and know that each that feels pain, is also your pain. If the people of the world would work in unison toward peace

and love, all would unfold in an instant. You must lose the illusion of separation and know your brother, your neighbor etc. as yourselves. Help them, listen to them,

feed them if you must. How can one starved for the basics know to strive for the love of truth? Share of yourselves, give what you can to another to make their

path easier. This need not always be of a material nature, rather a smile, a listening ear, all these are important to your own soul growth. Recognize yourselves in

others, and this will not be so hard. You have come to believe that you are all sufficient unto yourselves, this is the biggest lie. All are interdependent, because you

are one and as you help each other, you are helped. Discard the lies of those who wish to rule in chaos and divide you. You know your nature is of love. Live it dear

ones, live it. Babaji

It gives me great joy to be able to relay these messages from the Master Babaji. And love to all of you and your comments. He also has a great sense of humor, but that is another story. lovetruth
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