Thread: Hey everyone
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Old 16-12-2011, 03:09 PM
Posts: n/a
hah your right.
A lot of us in the army have criminal records from fighting on civvie street and doing silly things. So we think why don't we go and get payed to fight. They wont let you in for serious criminal records like killing people... But then thats exactly what you do when your over there...

Well I had a LOT of very close calls in Afghanistan and I am very lucky to be here. I was receiving protection for some reason. Thats the only way I can see it.
The funny thing is my dad also had loads of stupidly close calls when he was fighting in the Rhodesian bush war. The odds against me being here have been against me big time. But some how I've made it though unlike some.
Made me think that maybe I'm here for a good reason.
I just see it as such a waste of life now. I don't want to hurt people any more. I don't have anger in my heart any more. I want to help people
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