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Old 09-12-2011, 12:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by necta3
i don't think there are a million theories...and a couple of dozen triggers could all be one actual cause.

Could be? Or may not be - Fact is that no one knows...

It was a slight exaggeration about a million theories :-)

Without it sounding like a truism - I think it's multiple & complex; individual & environmental factors - on physiological, psychological, social & spiritual levels. Especially concerning early brain development; combined with upbringing/family dynamics & a range of social/economic factors.

The main trigger is I think stress/trauma - but just about everything is inter-related & entwined. & expansive in scope. Psychological/spiritual angles make the most sense to me - & it is a massive subject - To very basically outline; I'd go with the notions of the personal & collective shadow/unconscious - & the past-life/'inter-life' research - as well as other esoteric ideas - such as past life traumas/experiences/Samskaras/attachments ect - Soul Plan - Life Lessons - & Incarnational path.

I have to say that I am more inclined to the theories that a lot is genetic/brain structural/chemical - biological (in combination with the above) [however caused].

I could of course be totally wrong about everything. & you may be right that it's amalgam, diet & electromagnetic pollution? I just feel that there are a lot of notions that do the rounds in 'new age'/alternative circles - & in regards to mental health conditions - I would assume that there is far more diversity than in 'physical health' complaints. With respect - no one here knows me, or my detailed history/full experiences - nor are any of you trained health professionals. To assume & conclude from a few posts (in a range of responses) - That primarily it's my diet & certain 'pollutants' That have caused all my mental & emotional confusion & distress - & that's the main cause of 'schizophrenia' - is I personally think somewhat whacked out.

Certain people suggesting that I go cold turkey off the neuroleptic I take is outright dangerous advice. I'd like to invite them over for a month, stop the medication & then see what they think?

That's not to say that I don't appreciate the discussion & responses - as I do. & it makes a refreshing change from all the usual accept your diagnosis & take your pills - robotic responses that is the mainstay of most mental health forums. But still.

I have received help from a member that has private messaged me - that has been a great help with some healing & mediations. Since Tuesday afternoon I have also been feeling a lot better; compared to how bad I had been feeling. For which I am very grateful.

what you do about being immersed in wi fi from others is irrelevant as far as deciding whether or not it's a trigger that needs avoiding............i live in a detached property which helps. anyway unless you have any specific questions i'll let you be, all the best

Sadly the realities of this World come down to money - If I had it; I'd be sunning myself on a beach, or a luxury yacht; with beautiful women hanging off me - holidays at least 3 times a year; an array of access to the best in medical/therapeutic/healing & psychological approaches - in genuinely pleasant surroundings & luxury.

The reality is that I'm an ex-addict; that has been too unwell to work for over 10 years & is dependant on low income state handouts - That in this culture has always had relatively little money - am stuck in 'cheap' housing in a block in a bad part of town - haven't been away on a proper holiday in over 9 years - & lives/& have lived very much on the poverty line with all that entails.

Read any high level report into mental health & it will show massively increased rates of mental ill health in such groups - & cite high stress in such circumstances as a major cause.

A few mill in the bank & no problems; to get all my teeth & physical health sorted - have a personal dietician/trainer - largely stress free life - live in a good area - have a Jungian analysis with a top psychologist - & more than likely eradicate the causes of 27 years of severe mental health difficulties/experiences. But it's not the reality of my life or the World that I live in.

Everything that is within my power/resources to do I have done & continue to do. I know that everyone has difficult lives - But some of us I think have very much harder lives & very much harder life lessons than others. That's my views on it all anyway.

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