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Old 08-12-2011, 02:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Quick flashes of light

I mentioned this briefly in another thread, but since I have been doing more research I decided this topic deserved its own thread :P

For a while no I have been seeing very small white flashes of light. It happens anywhere and anytime, at night in pitch dark, during the day in daylight, in the evening, whenever. I should mention though that I only see these flashes when my eyes are open, as I have found that if you see them with your eyes closed it can be linked to an eye problem.

After some investigating I have found that angels make their presence known by using flashes of light, but from what I have found those flashes of light are colored. The light that I see is not colored, just white.

When I see the light I always immediately think, is this a presence? But I never really feel like there is one around, but it's also very quick so maybe I don't have enough time to pick up their energy?

I'm wondering if anyone here knows what it is, or who it is. I have been pretty much unknowledgeable about angels until very recently so any help would be appreciated :)

Oh, also, I have been hearing bells lately which someone on here said was probably an angel. Is it possible that angel is trying to get in contact with me? If so it's kind of frustrating because I have no idea what they are trying to communicate to me lol
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