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Old 07-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Arcturus Arcturus is offline
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unlikely that any kind of metal in the mouth would not at least exacerbate, if not cause, a condition such as yours. some people are very allergic to them of course...5% by the american dental associations reckoning. as well as this it's the leach that counts not the amount of fillings; 1 filling can equal 10. i had one which read 27 micro-amps...most read 2 (brain operates in millionths of an amp, 1000 fold increase in current!), so it was the equivalent of 13...+ the other 6. that said i've already stated it may not be the prime factor, i was as a much illustrating that physical things like fillings can and do affect mental state, in my opinion in anyone who has them, according also to one professor of psychology. there was a prime time programme called "tonight" in the uk that featured people who suffered years of chronic pain which abated immediately after having metal implants (not fillings) removed from their mouths. it's very possible that you would not heal if they were removed, i didn't.

as per the meds, if the cause was understood then they would be the greater of two evils. whether they are necessary or not, the point is is that they make you acidic and toxic which causes illness and at some point this will have to be dealt with to "heal". it maybe that you are not, at present, apt at narrowing down the cause so the present need might only apply because it's you, though i could understand how that statement might annoy, excuse if so...and of course i might be completely wrong about all of this and you maybe putting up a better show than i or anyone else could under your set of circumstances

you have made it clear that you think it's more psychological, obviously i'm disagreeing and saying i think you might be wrong. i'm not here to not question your conclusions, i'll try to do so in a friendly manner but communication, particularly in text, is not my forte.

wholistic is great and i commend this approach, though i'm not sure just what your wholistic approach is and of course finding the correct wholistic approach is what is key.

good luck with it, i hope you find a way through it
Krishnamurti : With a Silent Mind

"There is no psychological evolution: there is only the ending of sorrow, of pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all that."
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