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Old 12-10-2010, 03:13 PM
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Finnish Paganism


"Finns have the power of darkness, Finns are wizards"

This was the cry of the Viking warriors who feared nothing...

nothing but the power of the Finns in their dark forests.

Finnish Heathenism pre-dates Nordic Heathenism and the two forms of Paganism are observed very differently. Finnish Heathenism is a Shamanic belief system – the Native Americans fashioned their belief system on that of the Ancient Finns. A study of both systems will reveal the great many similarities. On the other hand, the Nordic Heathenism, whilst Nature-based, is not predominantly Shamanic.

Finnish Paganism holds no absolute rules, but instead each pagan has to make their own decisions on how to practice Paganism.

Finnish magick is pragmatic. The magician is not bound by any traditionally established ritual or method of practise. It is believed that the most powerful magick is born of spontaneity and creativity.

The ancient Finns were of the mindset that life is your preparation for ritual. The ritual itself is merely the projection of the magician’s personality to effect change, thus the magician should live a magickal life, the characteristics which should include attention, compassion, courage, intuition, spontaneity, imagination and of course sisu. Sisu is summed up in an old Finnish proverb – "Strong will takes a person even through stone.". The Finns have through history been noted for their resilience. Sisu is not just a positive attitude or bravery – it is a philosophy that what must be done will be done, regardless of the cost. It is a philosophy of integrity. Sisu has allowed the Finns to survive 42 wars with Russia – losing all of them. Sisu allowed the Finns to repay their war debts even when wealthier countries chose not to. Sisu sums up to an indomitable will and this is the secret not only of their survival but to their magick as well. Finns, unlike the Nords, were peaceful and benevolent people.. In fact, theirs is the only national epic whose central theme is not based around conflict, but when conflict becomes inevitable, the warrior enters into it with his or her entire being..

Finnish Magick does not rely on spells and charms so much as it requires the magician to hone and use his/her own powers to effect change. As it should be.

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