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Old 23-11-2011, 12:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SpiritCarrier
One further statement I would like to add is this:

There are and have been many names throughout the centuries for energy vampires. Energy Vampire is just the latest trend or name they some are using. Let me make it simple. What you are calling an energy vampire is simply a physic who is missing a simple gene in their human form which allows them to draw energy the way the rest of us do. Compare it to someone who has some other genitic malfunction. I have the love of my life who has a disorder which deprives him of certain chemicals in his brain, his disoder has had many names over the centuries as well. What it means is that when one is missing something key to their existence they find a way to live without that thing, whether it be replace it with some medication or find a way around the genetic malfunction. For this I have a high respect and as I have stated again and again I will go by my personal experience and not by fad or trend.

I am quite passionate about this because I have been branded as an abomination many times. Simply being different does not make that true.

Don't take it that way. I'm using psychic vampire as a general term of a non-physical entity who drains prana, chi, life-force energy, whatever you choose to call it, or distinguish it, w/e through psychic manipulation.
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