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Old 23-11-2011, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by SpiritCarrier
For my part let me just say, what one person calls vampirism another might call survival. I support anyone who choose to walk a path that is difficult and yet the right path. What one person calls right another might call naive. What one person calls evil another might call a way of life, an upbringing from ones childhood.

If we are to call everyone who is different from us evil or satanist, then many in the world would be just that. I don't agree that all people have physic ability and yet as a person with such abilities I have been called evil, cursed, a demon even. I am not all those things, I am merely different from those around me. So you can understand my mistrust even anger towards any who would sterotype anyone/being, because of a bad experience or a read that got under their skin.

Years ago anyone who had a talent, such as those displayed on this forum, they were branded as witches and burned at the stake. They were tormented, some in the name of christianity because they were different. I refuse to be part of that past, and what I mean by that statement is this: I refuse to judge or be judge by anyone who has no knowledege of me as an individual. So with that in mind I can only go by the experiences I have had with energy vampires. With those experiences in mind I make the statement again, some chose the path of enlightenment. Some chose to walk the way of light, even though the path is much harder for them. I give them credit and respect as I do anyone who is willing to stand up for their right to exist.

I understand the bad reputation that energy vampires have amassed over the decades. Perhaps this is because others, like me, have not stood up and said, "I have someone in my life who is this and she/he is not a bad person. They are simply different."

I have no answers for anyone except to say this is my belief based on my own personal experiences.

Consent is in my definition and the dictionaries definition as well: to give assent or approval : agree, to be in concord in opinion or sentiment.

Consent is a decision one makes. If consent is not given then it is taken and in that case it is stolen. One can not have it both ways. I think I will agree to disagree with you in this case. I do not wish to read material that can not be explained by one of its readers. Thank you for your time.

I agree with what you say, but it just feels too indecisive to me.

In my experience, the consent is more of a submission to them which makes them think they're entitled since you have opened yourself up to them. You don't have to literally sign a contract I doubt most people would intentionally give some astral creeper permission to give night terrors and drain their life force energy...
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