Thread: Sleep paralysis
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Old 20-11-2011, 09:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Yassi
Do you think people can die from sleep paralysis?
Last time when I was in that condition I didn't want to wake up to see what would happen. It seemed like I was about to die. It took me much more time to come back than usually. I've read that some people die during their sleep and no one can identify the reason of death. Maybe these people died from sleep paralysis...

I suffer from Sleep Paralysis and have been under a physicians care for this for quite some time. To my knowledge, despite how frightening the event can be, nobody has died from it. Unless they were already prone to a heart attack or heart failure and the sudden start that occurs when you snap out of sleep paralysis triggered one. But even that is pretty far fetched, so I wouldn't worry.
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