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Old 20-11-2011, 01:07 AM
Posts: n/a
We have a 'Flax Plantation' We use our 'Flax' for weaving 'Piu Piu'(Garments).
When I first met Mums 'Flax' approx 20 years ago, I did not respect this 'Taonga'(Sacred and Practical to Maori. Flax clothed,Fed,provided utensils,medicine,camoflaged,provided rope etc etc etc for my people.) When I pruned the flax I got a bit rough and impatient. The flax reprimanded me by wacking me in the face. I wacked it back and I got a bigger dose of wacking in return. I couldn't walk through the Flax bushes without being tripped up or stung.
I apologised to our 'Toanga' and in return I was rewarded with its bounty.
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