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Old 10-10-2010, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a

I'm not told that. That's God's plan for him to reveal when the times right. I am told though that The big changes won't be an instantly wonderfull world but a world that becomes increasingly community minded and less prone to selfishness (particularly around 2012). Basically the impression I get is that yes everyone is deserving of help but the job the lightworkers have at the momment is enormous and not enough of them are awake enough yet so some lightworkers are having to do double loads etc (they are able to do it but they are getting hugely overwhelmed). The angels are showing me weeds at the momment and are saying it's better to pick the weeds out of your own garden first and then others who have a similar amount of weeds rather than picking out all the weeds from gardens people haven't ever thought about tending too before and leaving yours undone(not there fault ...they are at their right point in their evoution). As a lightworker you can bring in much more light more quickly by cleaning up your own space first as theres not as much to clean up. When you've done that you can help those who have yet to tend to their gardens. By tending to your own garden first you can then send through much more light from spirit which means you can aid humanity much better. 2012 may not happen at 2012 because critical mass may not be reached at this point (its 50, 50 at this point) This is why spirit is having to seperate out groups of people (they arn't being mean but it's the only functional thing to do if the changes are to occur as planned 2012). We all have something to learn from everyone but currently if you have lightworkers who arn't at full strength and people who are very fearfull for a multitude of reasons the lightworkers will find it much harder if they are interacting regularly with people who don't particularly want to change. These lightworkers will be in a place where they are closer to empowerment but also easily drawn down into fearful states of mind (this reflects their own inner issues which due to the current timming are better worked on alone.

Also as a side note I'm just being told to tell anyone who has been feeling quite emotional that this is a result of planetary allignment as well as vibrational realigments or clearings (this is where negative energy is released from your cells, gets blocked for a bit and then releases). The process usually lasts up to 6 days depending on your level of conciousness. It can be less or more if your conciousness is higher. (Getting out in nature, swimming in salt water or going for a walk is the best way to get through it) Those who are crying and are getting tired I'm told to tell you to just keep paddling. The more you paddle the faster you'll get to your destination and the quicker you will reach dry land.

Hope that makes sense???

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