Thread: Bob's Uncle IV.
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:57 AM
Posts: n/a
My Aunt said that the last time my Uncle went off on one of his jaunts it was to meet a Guru in the next street. The Guru would teach my Uncle how to find home if he sat at the Guru's feet every week for the rest of his life. My Aunt put a stop to all the nonsense when she found out there was a weekly subscription for all this apparent 'knowledge' the Guru would impart...she went round to the enlightened one's house and after eventually clambering her way through the crowds of devotees she came to a throne where the Guru sat. But instead of there being a Guru sat on the throne, all she found was a huge and very well polished mirror all the devotees where looking longingly into.

One of the long serving devotees approached my Aunt and said, "Do you have a question for his holiness?"

And my Aunt answered, "Not one that hasn't already been simply answered!"

She thought about asking the devotee, "Who was asking who?", and then she noticed my Uncle standing at the back door of the ashram pointing at his watch.

"Oh yeah", she re~membered, "it's time for 'Coronation Street!"
