Thread: Bob's Uncle IV.
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Old 08-06-2006, 10:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Bob's Uncle IV.

Well it was a beautiful sunny day today so I decided to have a walk round to my uncle's house. As I was walking down the garden path leading to his front door my uncle was on his way out to greet me...or so I thought.

"Have you come to wish me farewell then?", he asked. His question took me by surprise for a moment untill I realised he had a back~pack on, shorts and walking boots to match, and many maps rolled up under his arm!

"Erm...where you going to Uncle?", I asked.

"I'm off on a big adventure...just to see what all the fuss is about", he beemed back at me.

"Where to then?", my curiousity persisted.

"I'm off to find home!", he said with a wave of his hand as he strode past me.

"Eh...but Uncle, you're home already though!", I giggled at him.

He stopped, turned around, and smiled at me saying, "Yeah but that's just too simple for an adventurer like me...and besides", he tip toed back to me and whispered, "I can pretend to forget that and hope a mansion has been built in it's place when I get back!"

I watched him walk up the street and disappear round the corner.

A few seconds later he rang my mobile phone and said, "God I'm miserable, this seeking **** is really making me suffer...tell your Aunt I'll be back in time for 'Coronation Street' tonight OK!"

I laughed out loud and noticed my Aunt standing in the door~way of their home, "That'll be the third time this week", she said through her smile, "he just loves to pretend though!"

Home all along,
