Thread: Heart hurts.
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Old 10-11-2011, 02:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Shiny
Off all the advices you have given me. The best one that helped me today was to recognize the pain and say to myself "yes there is some pain there and it is ok" then I felt so much better. Because my heart is only telling me there is something wrong and I should do something about it. It helps me to accept the pain.

I do not think I should ignore my heart entirely. I understand if you do, moke64916, we all have our ways.

I feel like it wants my attention and when I listen to it I get calm even though I feel pain. I think it is a right thing to feel my heart. I read in a lot of selfhelp books where they recommend it. One said: The Heart is the Emperor, follow your heart. Plus Paulo Coelho refers to it in The Alkemist and Paulo is awesome hehe.
The reason I say don't pay attention to the pain in your heart is that you could take it as a chakra that if you feel pain, you must be doing something wrong, when in actuality that can be far from the truth. I say do not focus on your heart, so that you will ignore it and not be aware of the pain at all. I get where you are coming from. I feel like I'm dyig from a heart attack all day long, but I feel love and no pain. I've learned to ignore pain entirely. The more attention you pay to your heart, the more you are going to feel. It can become into a habit, that can be hard to break. That's why I am just warning you of what could occur, because it happened to me. Being aware of your chakras will not get you to what you have been looking for. Yes it can help one be more aware of what is going on within themselves, but all what is needed is acceptance at all times with whatever occurs each moment. That will lead you to what you have been searchinh for.

I'm just saying it is not necessary to do such. But this is your journey and your choice. You will find your truth with enough trying to realize you don't try to get where you have always been. You accept. I say all of what I say out of love. You do what feels right. If it is your heart then it is that. You will discover your ultimate truth one day. With this said I am not telling you to just accept. This is your journey. Your a good person. Do what you feels right.

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