Thread: Heart hurts.
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Old 08-11-2011, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Heart hurts.

I promised myself yesterday from now on to at least try to feel/listen to my heart once a day for three weeks. It has been hard for me today because it has only been saying it hurts. I feel like my heart is very sensitive and I get this burning sensation the more I draw my attention to the heart. It scares me and it makes it harder to keep up with my promise. Then I just want to run from the pain but I feel it is the wrong thing to do. If anyone has experienced the same feeling could you tell me? It would make me feel better if I could relate to someones experience. And do you know if the pain is normal and what does it means? Is it because I'm not really used to listening to my heart? I'm a little scared because this is new to me.

Best wishes

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