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Old 10-10-2010, 10:46 AM
Smiler Smiler is offline
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Hi OceanWaves
Interesting topic that is much talked about 2012. Thought I write a response with all due respect :)
People are at different stages in their soul development, how do we really know if some-ones soul is actually really being negative or whether they are actually teaching us something? I believe changes will occur in the future, but do not personally feel that it is 2012. I am aware of people stating all the planets will be in alignment in 2012 Scientifically? I haven't researched that so please correct me if wrong! I do believe that there is a time to help others and a time to stand back! As the saying's goes " teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry" and " don't throw pearls towards swine". Maybe the most important thing is honesty within ourselves and for each of us to monitor our own spiritual growth. I agree totally with watching ones own energy levels not being drained, it does happen though and your message of awareness of energy levels is very important! I have felt drained- still I offer energy to those who need it. I believe in the " ask and you shall receive" and when totally worn out I ask God to take me home to the light for a healing while I sleep. :) Works wonderfully.
Love and Light to you
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