Thread: Ruinic Q&A
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Old 04-11-2011, 12:09 AM
Michael B.
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by dhaga
Hi Michael. Thanks for starting this thread up. It's great to have a place for people to come to ask questions specifically about the runes, from a runemaster no less :)

I've had my rune set (purchased) for about, wow, I guess it's been 17 years now. The set came with a little book about divination uses for them, and interpretations for each one. I always felt there was more to them than just a divination tool, though, and that sparked an interest in exploring other uses...

I am currently studying the deeper meanings of the runes, individually and as a whole. Once I feel I have a solid understanding of each, I plan to move onto stadhr (sp?) and practicing galdr as well -- I suspect on the latter, my pronunciation may be off... but I don't feel that matters so much as the heart and intent put into it.

No questions just yet... but I look forward to keeping up with this thread. :)
That's good to to hear, but are you talking about Seidr by any chance? I learned the base meanings of the Runes from the internet, and I one of the sites I used mentioned that. While I meddle around with Galdr, I have yet to try that specifically. Here is the website, if it's any use.
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