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Old 27-10-2011, 09:33 AM
Posts: n/a
My new EFT weight loss blog

Hi everyone,

I've been using EFT on and off for a couple of years with pretty good results but I've never really used it for weight loss. I've just started using it for weight loss and have decided to blog about my progress and what I've learnt in the process.

I'm also posting links to free eft resources that might be of interest to anyone else wanting to use EFT for losing weight.

Please come by and check out my blog. I'd love to get some feedback from like minded people and that way we can learn from each others successes. I can't post a link to the website, but if you google eftweightlossjournal.blogspot you'll find it.

I'm not selling anything and the only links on the blog are for free resources. I would love to hear from other people looking to lose weight using EFT.

Cheers, Louise
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