Thread: Coins as signs
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Old 23-10-2011, 08:51 PM
Posts: n/a
I used to notice many signs that crossed my path (not so much any more), but one of the more significant things that happened to me was a few years ago. To back up a bit, a couple of years before this happened, I had been a member of an online forum and crossed paths with a man who affected me deeply, though at the time I had no idea why. We seemed connected to one another somehow - at least to me - and after we lost touch (very suddenly, our friendship was cut short by someone else) I went through an intense spiritual awakening, that included having both *soul* dreams with this man as well as prophetic dreams about him; psychic awareness that seemed to happen overnight as well; and a life-threatening illness that came on days after we lost touch. It's a long story, so I won't get into it any more than that. :)

As for the sign I received with coins, one day I was out in my front yard, digging up the entire lawn after an invasion of grubs had destroyed the grass. I'd been there for a while when something caught my eye in the dirt. Upon closer inspection I could see that it was a coin of some sort, buried deep within the earth, and I was going to ignore it and go on digging...but this 'voice' in my head kept urging me, rather persistently, to pick it up and look at it. So I did. The coin must have been there for a great many years because it was so filthy and corroded that I couldn't make anything out. And again I was going to toss it away, but that voice urged me again, to take it in the house and clean it off. I finally did, and that's when I could see that it was a Canadian 1957 penny. I live in Canada, so it wasn't too surprising, but my year of birth is 1957. I thought that was kind of neat, so kept it.

The next day I was getting out of a family member's vehicle when, once again, something caught my eye. It was another penny, this one wedged near the door. I was going to ignore it, but as with the day before, I suddenly had this enormous urge to pick it almost felt like someone was literally pushing me to do so, it felt that urgent. So I did, and took it into the house with me. When I looked at it, I was rather taken aback when I saw that this penny was an American 1969 guessed it, his country of residence, and his year of birth. Coincidence? Could be...but whenever something happens to me that feels deeply connected to spirit, I get a certain sense that comes deep from within; hard to explain, but I guess the closest I could come is to call it a *knowing*. And that's exactly how I felt both times when these pennies came into my presence.
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