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Old 20-10-2011, 08:47 PM
Left Behind Left Behind is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: New Orleans
Posts: 439
Originally Posted by Celeste
It depends on what you believe. Some people feel, when you die, you go to heaven or hell (organized religion). Others feel you usually go to purgatory (organized religion, again) which is more realistic to me as it seems rather hard to believe you could possibly go straight to hell, as it seems equally hard to believe you could go straight to heaven.

Some say what you believe, is what it will be (as in, you make your own reality). Some say there is reincarnation, but I think your soul can also choose not to reincarnate on earth again.

There are so many different opinions. Who knows what to believe!!

Very true.

When I was a kid, people used to say, "Noi matter what you believe, we'll never know for sure in this life. One thing's for sure: nobody ever comes back to tell us!"

Now, with the near-death experiences, people ARE allegedly coming back to tell us. But we still don't know for sure, since many of the experiences they relate. and the things they saw. are so different.

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