Thread: Yoga=evil?
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Old 16-10-2011, 12:17 PM
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According to LisaLisa "meditating on others than God is the problem."
What is meditation? We meditate when we engage in contemplation and reflection. In my opinion we do that often.
According to Edgar Cayce, a very devout Christian, prayer is asking, meditation is listening for the answer.

Pre-dawn talks about dualism and monism. Hinduism knows many gods which are only aspects of one God: Brahman. Christianity talks about the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, three aspects of God. Sadly, Christians are unable to conceive of God as other than an anthropomorphic entity and attribute human characteristics to That which cannot be defined/comprehended by mortal minds.

Theophilus, salvation is through the Christ consciousness as has been pointed out by Psychoslice for one. I admit that it is a concept that is difficult to grasp.
I wonder whether it gives a sense of security to think of God as an entity because such a God can be cajoled and flattered into saving a person from Hell.

If I understand TeeHee correctly when she replies to one of MattieĀ“s posts, I must say that her reply is so Christian and charitable.

Theophilus, "God requires that all sin be punished." Not God, Theophilus, never God. It is a law that is in effect: action/reaction.

The goal of Kundalini yoga is to awaken Kundalini, the force that lies coiled at the bottom of the spine. The advice given is to cleanse body and mind before trying to raise Kundalini as Kundalini removes physical and emotional blockages when it rises and the result can be very unpleasant without prior cleansing.

The ultimate goal as with all yoga methods is to achieve union with God which is no different from the ecstacy achieved by Christian mystics.
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