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Old 06-10-2010, 10:13 AM
Spirit Guide Sparrow Spirit Guide Sparrow is offline
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Do we reincarnate over and over?

A soul, or rather, your spirit, does not have to have a physical experience at all.
The spirit that you are is perfect in every way, it remains so no matter how many incarnations you have. No matter the consciousness you create around it, your spirit always remains unchanged and as pure as it was since its conception.
Those that choose to have a physical life do so, not because they must, but because they are curious as to the potentials it offers in terms of experiences.
More experiences do not in any way make you more ‘ascended’ than anyone else, simply because your spirit does not change regardless of consciousness. The spirit is the essence of life, not the product of it. This is how everyone can be equal, and IS equal.
Consciousness is what changes and develops, through the aspirations you create for yourself as a soul be-ing. This soul being embodies free will and independent character. It is this unique character that chooses whether or not to undertake a physical existence.
But the physical existence itself is merely one potential for your soul to engage.
This engagement in activity is how the spirit, the essence, expresses itself through creation. First into soul refraction - the embodiment of consciousness, then through the journey of that consciousness.
It is up to your soul to lay the path for your own unique journey in the multi-dimensional multi-verse.
Ever since the physical multi-verse was created, many souls/spirits took great interest in this path and assigned themselves to develop it and create within it.
Many souls/spirits were first observers and co-creators of planets and galaxies in the cosmos. They worked to develop the elements and the primitive structures of life. Spirit assigned refractions of itself into these primitive physical life forms. And on returning to the etheric world they brought stories or incredible sensations and experiences. As more and more of spirit refracted into different experimental life forms, different soul groups emerged representing different archetypical intelligence and character.
Eventually human beings came into creation. And just as every other species and life form, they too held souls of their own and returned to their own soul groups to share their experiences. Each of them being recorded and logged in the hall of records by spirit.
Many souls choose to simply watch, learn and create within the many vast realms of spirit in service to the physical multi-verse. They act as guides, friends, facilitators and channels of inspiration and creation to counterparts upon the planets.
Many souls do not associate themselves with the physical realm whatsoever. Simply because they do not need to. Not because they are more evolved than anyone else, but because they simply choose to express their spirit in another way, through other means. Some work in other dimensions which have no physical structure whatsoever. Some work in dimensions which compliment both physical and etheric energies in creative harmony.
With so many different paths, pursuits of work and avenues of potential, this is not to say that once you have a physical life you will then go on to have another. Choices vary between individuals within their own greater soul intention. The physical incarnation is simply a small part of a much bigger plan your soul is constructing.
You will not have to reincarnate to pay back some karmic debt. Energy is resolved and realigned in the spirit world. For if it wasn’t you wouldn’t be able to vibrate at the necessary rate to reintegrate back into your original state prior to your physical life.
Souls tend to reincarnate to fulfil a sense of un-accomplishment they felt after retuning from one life. When passing, if they have not particularly achieved what they had hoped, there is a degree of returning desire to ‘have another go’. Some souls develop a sense that they let themselves down and did not do as much as they thought they could. This stubbornness and pride compels many to return to the same planet, to begin a new potential, a new hope.
Perhaps it is they wanted to bring a new type of music to the world, or perhaps they wanted to bring a new democracy. Perhaps they wanted to bring their artistic talents or their healing knowledge. We all have our own talents and qualities to offer the world.
There really is no rule in place regarding when a soul can incarnate. So the human sense of time between lifetimes will differ with each soul.
Most souls do however plan their next life as best they can according to what they wish to achieve. This means the soul will undergo study of a particular talent, ability, quality, that it wishes to perfect and perform in physical life. Such as a certain type of music, art or healing. Any souls in the etheric world who specialize in such qualities will volunteer themselves as one of your guides for that lifetime. Though you will always have others as well.
It is up to those in the physical world to awaken their seeds of remembrance as to what it is they came to Earth to do. Then do that with every breath, until death do you part.


~~~Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours

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