Thread: Empathic?
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Old 10-10-2011, 09:05 PM
Light Earth
Posts: n/a
I said to a friend of mine last week, 'it can be so hard being this sensitive, can't it?" (he is a seer too) specifically because my husband had his eyes lasered and spent the first night in bed in agony and sick as a dog. I had been too tired to protect so had spent all night wondering why I couldn't sleep and felt so sick... Every time he gets a headache, I land one too, but I normally have the good sense to realize its not mine and move it on quickly!

My friend, who lives quite a way from me, is currently experiencing all of my pregnancy symptoms with me, including nausea, extreme tiredness, hunger pangs and sore boobs... And he's a man ;) I find it quite funny, strangely he doesn't!
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