Thread: Empathic?
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Old 10-10-2011, 08:55 PM
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Depression, Anger Issues, Empath?

Many times in our lives we walk into a room and can feel the palpable energy of a fight or argument. You wake up one morning in the best of moods, but when you arrive at work, you feel like crying and hiding away from everyone. Has this happened to you?

Empaths are people who can read (and absorb) another’s energy in their own bodies.
If you don’t realize you are an empath, you can literally begin to “take-on” other people’s emotions, illnesses, sorrow, and anger without even knowing it. If the above happens to you more than a few times a month, you are more than likely an empath.

Empathic ability is inherited

People with this sensitive ability also have the gift of “knowing”. My great grandmother called it “Nawayee” in her Native tongue. She also thought that this ability was inherited and passed on through generations. Take a close look at people in your family; is someone just a little bit too sensitive? Do they get angry if someone else is? Do they cry when a friend of yours starts to cry; even if they don’t know the reasoning?

Thoughts and feelings are energy

Going into large crowds or busy shopping areas can literally cause panic in an empath. We do not know why and tend to make many excuses as to why we can’t shop during the holidays. Empaths can also feel someone else’s pain. I have a very hard time if someone I’m near has just smashed their finger or burned their arm. A tingle goes through my midsection (solar plexus) and suddenly I can physically feel the injury as if it was my own. This also happens to me when I am doing spirit communications; spirit may give me shortness of breath or a pain in my stomach or chest. It can be informative for my client, I can then verify how this spirit passed.

Often just seeing a program on the T.V. will cause an empath to have reactions. The local news is especially hard for empathic people; seeing people crying or angry, affects us more than just the story itself. Fictional shows can also evoke feelings for an empath. We know that they are actors, but in order for that actor to cry, they must think of something sad or heartbreaking to develop real tears. We feel that and we cry. Your friends probably have remarked to you “You’re so sensitive! It’s just a movie!” Not to an empath, we connect to the people more than we do the show.

These empathic people often just know things about someone they know or are near; sometimes information you’d rather not know! Your friend is sleeping with her husband’s brother. This just pops into your head and leaves you feeling confused and wondering why you would even think something like that. It is almost as if her thoughts are floating through the air and you are receiving them like a radio does.

This is not very far from what is actually happening. Thoughts and feelings have energy. Negative words and emotions are the strongest and easiest to pick up. These transmit through the atmosphere; those of us sensitive enough can “tune in” even without trying. There are several ways to protect yourself from absorbing them, but still being able to “sense” the energies around.

Ways to protect your energy and clear it:

• Do a mental check before you leave your house. The thing you need to set is your mood for the day. If you are feeling happy and in a good mood, make a note of it. This will help you to distinguish when you are picking up feelings that don’t belong to you.

• Ask yourself “Do I have any reason to be feeling _____? Fill in the blank. Suddenly I can feel like I want to hit someone in the face and I have never been someone that uses physical violence. I ask myself “Do I have any reason to feel angry?” Usually I get a “no”, and I release that energy from my auric field.

• Learn to shield. You don’t have to do a 20 minute meditation or anything that is even noticeable to people around you. Many times I find a place to be alone and I close my eyes for a few minutes. Visualize a beautiful bubble of white light, like an egg shell that surrounds you, head to toe and around you. As if you are enclosed in a translucent egg. Say in your mind “I am Divinely protected. My feelings are my own.” This will help you to shield out any energies that don’t belong to you.

• Grounding your energy is also important. If you feel angry and you can’t shake it. Do another small visualization. This time, you are a tree. Feel your roots going deep down into the earth, branching out and absorbing the wonderful heat. Now send down those negative feelings down your feet and your tailbone and into the earth, down, down, deeper. Once you feel that you have sent all the negative away, pull up your roots and close the connection.

• Showering – funny enough, taking a nice shower and imagining that the water is washing more away from you than just germs and dirt. Use your mind to create white light within the shower water, washing down the drain and into the earth; all the negativity and emotions that do not belong to you. You can even say this in your mind “Water of light, please wash away all the emotions and energy that do not belong to me.”

Being an empath can be annoying and confusing. Why do I have to feel other people’s feelings? Just like other “gifts” in the world, it is an ability that is very important to helping people in their lives; knowing when someone is saying one thing and doing another, understanding a friend who is going through personal issues and much more. Learning to use it positively is the key. There are many books on the market about auras and empathy. Take the time to learn about your gift and you will benefit others and yourself in the future.

Brightest Blessings

© Laura Evans
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