Thread: Empathic?
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Old 10-10-2011, 07:38 PM
Serenity Bear
Posts: n/a
I think empathy in nature would be designated as compassion, but you wouldnt get the phsyical effects that being truely empathic means. You can literally feel the persons pain, illness and take it on as your own. You take on peoples moods in a split second rather then just feeling sorry for them.

Being super sensitive isnt always fun especially in the medical terms, which means you reacte to just about everything from food to something touching your skin.

There are psychological tests that you can take (I had a book once on them) that can show if your more intuitive then the norm. In part they use PSI cards to see. You have to do so many tests, work out the average and then compare it to see if its above normal or not. In my home tests I constantly scored above average in these tests.
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