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Old 22-09-2011, 03:45 AM
Posts: n/a
About my experiences

Hello everyone!

I am a newbie here. I´m very happy to find your forum, it might help me very much with some disturbing things I have been experiencing. If not, at least we can share ideas. ; )

Well, first of all, what brought me here was a little research I have been doing on astral projection. Of all things I have read, talked and researched about, this is the one that comes closer to explain what´s going on.

Since I was a teenager, I´ve been going to psychyatrists, taking medication and this year I have been in a mental ward for a month and two weeks. They have done that to me before, but this was different. Since that, I feel like I am confused between realities.

I mean, I have dreams inside dreams and I know about them while I am dreaming. While I´m awake, I get confused whether I´m asleep or not, or how long has it been since I left my house, or where am I walking from or to, what time is it, who was I talking to, was it today? Or maybe I wasn´t talking at all, maybe It was just a dream.. but I will never know for sure.

When I started reading about astral projections, I felt that this confusion is somehow connected to that... I don´t know, maybe it´s nothing. But I hope to be in the right place.

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