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Old 18-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mattie
It would have scared me too to the max if I lost my vision for 20 minutes. This loss of vision would scare me seriously right now even if it was connected w/ another energetic experience that I wasn’t fearful of, so don’t criticize your self for this throwing you. I would have also thought it was a hallucination & wondered what the #@%~ had just happened.

LOL about the seeing your self w/ an OBE. Yep, that can really change your view about that. You KNOW it is a real experience. Nothing like that first hand been there, done that!!! I had a distinct spontaneous OBE when I was a teenager, seeing myself & the other person in the room as if I was right at the ceiling watching it all, but not seeing any body that was seeing it. As it was in the context of, umm, doing very some late 1960s type of partying, I thought the OBE was just a random effect of that. Years later I learned about OBEs & APing!

I used to worry about all sorts of stuff APing like it being problematic coming down into a power line or trees. LOL. Not a concern.

I wouldn’t say I was/am particularly brave. More like just curious. Any perceived bravery is just my belief that during such an adventure I can’t be hurt. Whether this is correct or not I don’t know, but this belief allows me to have an experience like this w/o fear. I’m very visually oriented, so the visual aspect of it is fascinating & appreciated as great eye candy. I would have been willing to have spent all night zooming around looking at the galaxies through that tube.

Don’t beat your self up about coudda, shoudda, etc. Anything that you didn’t experience is still a door ready to be opened. We should only proceed w/ what is our comfort level.

I really don’t know what the tunnel was. It seemed like some sort of energetic portal or wormhole. I got the impression it was some sort of dimensional travel, but I’m not sure. It could have been a visit to another galaxy or something. I did get the impression that it was a vast distance from Earth whatever kind of travel it was as it seemed that I saw several distant galaxies through the tube. I was more curious about where I had been than the journey back though! LOL. Of course, the lesson in that experience could have been the journey, not the destination. I really don’t spend allot of time thinking about it other than having a fond partial memory of a fun little excursion.

As we expand our awareness we have all types of abilities unfold. One of these is remembering our nocturnal journeys. I have, as do many others, snippets of these come through in conscious recollection. We will progressively remember more of them. As I’m visually oriented what comes through as a gateway ability for me is often the visual stuff. For those who are oriented to be telepathic, their gateway is probably more telepathic.

We are just beginning to scratch the surface about Universal energies & how they operate. It is likely that our scientists will learn, if they haven’t already done so that there are energetic portals that can be utilized. They may have already passed this threshold, but the information is still classified. There are various ancient legends where they talk about energy portals where people came & went. I think I recall one such legend being in the US SW.

There really is SO much that we just don’t know... It’s mind-boggling. I would have loved to have seen what you saw! Astronomy has always been my passion. Even when I was a child; in school, I remember never having to study for any kind of exam regarding outer space.

The closest I’ve come to this kind of experience was; this past December I had a dream I was hovering over the planet. I was with someone that I couldn’t see; we were just floating there looking down. At one point I turned around and looked and could see the center of the galaxy. I could see this big white mass surrounded by billions of stars. It all seemed so vivid and so alive; it was truly breath-taking! All of the sudden I was right there beside a Neutron Star, speeding its way to our solar system. I asked the being what was happening, he said we were about to become a Binary-Star system.

I just wish I were conscious during this ordeal. I didn’t know what had happened until I woke up; but remembered everything in perfect detail.

Sorry I got off subject, your experience just reminded me of this dream; I had almost forgotten it.

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