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Old 15-09-2011, 02:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Summerlander,

I am a professional hypnotist (and no it's not a claim it's a reality )

Anyway, I'll do my best to answer your questions here.

I am fascinated by this business. I think it can be a great tool. What can I do to learn more about hypnosis? Are there any good sources for this?

If you'd like to learn here are some excellent trainers:

Igor Ledochowski
Steve Brooks
Anthony Jacquin
James Tripp

If you go to their websites (not affiliate sites) they have some wonderful free resources as well products. I'd recommend starting with Igor ( He has some good introductory resources including a free introduction to instant inductions and I think he gives out a free audio program if you join his email list.

At the moment I am as dumb as a fox about this. How can I start?

Start with the basics. Learn what hypnosis is and what it is not. You will get that from the resources I listed above. If you learn the principles then there is nothing hypnotic that you won't be able to do.

What makes a great hypnotist?

What makes a great hypnotist in my opinion is something my mentor calls H+. This is an attitude of confidence that the person in front of you is going to go into hypnosis and have a wonderful experience. It is want something for them and not from them. When you build up this state strongly enough people will naturally fall into trances around you. This benevolent attitude gets subcommunicated through your body language, word choices, tonality, breathing, etc and is incredibly hypnotic. So the key to being a great hypnotist is truly desiring something good for the other person.

Can I influence what people think?

You do this all the time with or without hypnosis. In hypnosis the level of influence becomes much stronger.

It's fun to see a stage hypnotist. Are they for real though or just pretending?

Yes and no. Hypnosis does take place but things may not be as they seem. I won't give a way stage secrets though.

What the hell is going on there? I want that skill. It will be, of course, for the greater good

Well since you asked so nicely.... nah still not telling Seriously though you will get that skill. Whether you are talking about stage, street, or therapeutic hypnosis; covert, overt, direct, or indirect hypnosis the principles are the same: gain attention, bypass the critical factor, and stimulate an unconscious response.

If you were the greatest hypnotist ever, what would you do? Would you do a show like Derren Brown?

No. Most of what Derren does is not actually hypnosis. If I was the greatest ever, I'd teach others to do the same. The more greatest hypnotists ever out there, the more people will be able to experience life altering positive changes.

I want you to come clean on this. Would you use it all the time or only as back-up and only when required?

It depends on the situation. My profession is that of a hypnotist and I also teach university courses on the side. In both arenas I hypnotize people all day long. To truly master hypnosis you will need to realize that hypnosis isn't something you do, it's someone you become. It's the ways in which you communicate.

Do you know any hypnotists in here?

Myself and I believe there are a couple of others here as well.

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