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Old 05-09-2011, 07:48 PM
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Starpeople- Doreen Virtue

This summary is from Doreen Virtue’s article about starpeople.

Starpeople (SP) are on Earth from all over the Universe. Virtue has seen in her psychic practice those who are incarnated ETs, walk-ins, & angels. One of Virtue’s first encounters w/ a starperson was startling to Virtue as she discerned that she was working w/ a spacecraft. The client confirmed this. Not all starpeople are aware of their connection.

SP have incarnated here to help in whatever capacity is needed. They often have ordinary jobs where they provide positive energy to others.

As their planet of origin often has different customs about how families are structured & different methods of reproduction many SP don’t plan to marry or have children while here. They often feel disconnected from earthly romantic models as this is alien to them. It could also disrupt their LW work. Many female SPs have romantic soul mates from their place of origin.

Many SP know they aren’t from here. Some have realized this from early on & can feel a powerful longing for elsewhere. Suzan Carroll has written about how this powerful longing is a useful energetic pathway for us to reconnect w/ our other energies.

Much more about starpeople in ‘Realms of the Earth Angels.’ ISBN 978-1-4019-0, $7, 193 pgs. 4” x 6”

From the above book- Many starpeople (SP) have an interest in ETs. (Not surprising, as these are family.) Many energy workers are starpeople. Many SP have relationships w/ much younger men (decade+ difference). Many SP have agreed NOT to marry or have children while here. This can ‘create karma that can keep them mired in the Earth’s reincarnation cycles.’ For some SP this may be their first experience w/ a clear-cut gender. Many SP are drawn to bodies of water. SP can be comfortable w/ recognizing that they don’t belong here.

Last edited by mattie : 05-09-2011 at 10:14 PM.
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