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Old 02-09-2011, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by jondav
It would appear that most of the prospective reppublican candidates,Bachman ,perry ,romney etc,now advocate the teaching in schools of what they call "intelligent design" as opposed to evolution. Predictably the scientific lobby are up in arms,they obviously thought that all that "old fashioned " god sort of thing ,had been consigned to the dustbin of history,looks like they were wrong, - eat your heart out Dawkins.
Yes, sadly all of the people you mentioned shouldn't be anywhere near the educational system. I.D is simply creationism repackaged to make it look more scientific. But in reality, it's hardly any better because it settles for the answer 'gawddedit', which prevents further inquiry and research - which, understandably is good enough for most people, but it's not intellectually honest; and that will mean any evidence to the contrary will either be twisted or ignored if it points to no creator god or "intelligent designer".

People are free to believe in I.D or creationism if that's what floats their boat. But it's utter nonsense to pretend that either one is on equal footing with mainstream evolutionary theory. Because they sure ain't.
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