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Old 28-08-2011, 06:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Well I finally got a chance to read through all these pages. WOW!!! There sure are some incredible stories here. All these amazing stories have gotten me to actually want to open up a little more about my stories instead of just hinting at things here and there. It's kind of nice to be able to talk about this kind of stuff more openly.

With all this talk about creating character aspects of yourself, or getting tidbits of past lives coming through in creative writing, y'all got me kind of excited about working on my novel again I swear this book writes itself. BUT only when the story is ready to reveal another piece of itself. While I don't think it's a full blown past life memory, I do see a LOT of myself in this thing. Grrrr, I've been so close to finally finishing it for almost a year now, but I just haven't been motivated enough to let the muse flow.

I've always had such a strong fascination with swords, sword fighting and even battles. Probably a carry over from being Wallace, as well as some other warriors, I'm sure. But a funny thing happened about 7 months ago when I was reading a book were someone had interviewed several Archangels and had gotten inside their mansions up in heaven, via meditation sessions. When the lady was describing what Archangel Michael's mansion looked like, she said there was a certain room that was off limits to her and had even gotten a strong warning not to go in that room when she tried doing it. And it was like instantly, I had this recognician, thinking "Oh, that's the war ready room." where the 'General of the Angel armies', Michael, plans out all the strategies. And for weeks afterwards, I started getting all these flash images of being in there when battle plans were being made.

But I'm not exactly sure if those where past life memories or glimpses into the future. Because a few months later, the Archangels, one of my friends and his guide, and myself, actually wound up going off to battle in the lower vibrational levels. Since I had been diligently working at getting so may lost soul lower entities, to cross over, a lot of the other more malicious entities didn't like it, and started to fight back. The battle lasted about a good month, and I kept getting little snippets, while my friend was also getting snippets and actually confirming some of the stuff I was seeing.

Odd thing though, about 10 months before any of this broke out, I kept getting this strange feeling that I was going to wind up going down to the lower levels for some kind of massive "something". But none of my higher guides would talk to me about it, because they said they didn't know what was going to happen to me during that "something" and it made them feel kind of sad to even think about it, so they didn't want me asking about any of the intuitive messages I kept picking up on. But this is the kind of stuff that just feels so "old hat" to me, like I've always been some kind of warrior for God all along. This kind of stuff, amongst other things, just seems to make so much sense as to why I feel to completely impassioned for all of humanity, especially for the ones who need compassion the most.

Gosh, that actually feels kind of good being able to say all this in a public setting. I'd been rather worried about how all this kind of stuff makes me sound like some kind of loon. But every since last year, after having my awakening, all the pieces of my life just seem to be falling into place now.
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