Thread: 2012 Explained
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Old 25-08-2011, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Topology

evolution is not a judgment of life. It is simply an explanation of the appearance of systemic change. You are the one that sees evil in it, not I.
Systemic change is micro evolution, or variation within species. This does not add up to macro evolution... This is the same lie of exampling variation/adaption of a species, 'They', use on kindergarteners, so the children assume that the other types of evolution are true. 'They' skip from micro evolution, giving some of the many examples, then straight to the other unproven types of evolution.

Evolution Theory, is used to justify; death, discrimination, cruelty, etc...
It is a hierarchical concept, that fits an evil agenda. Global Genocide!
I can see so much crime that comes from the teaching of evolution...

eg WWII - Evolution was used to manipulate the citizens of each country and the troops to kill, as they are 'strongest'/most evolved' and must survive (put them in a state fear...viola) the others are 'sub human' and a burden to ''humanity''. This was told to each side; Asians where taught, they are the most evolved, Aryans, that they were most evolved, etc... Subsiquently they taught that the other races are abominations.

This still goes on...

Evolution is a type of racism.
Evolution lays in the subconscious of most people. evolution is a mind control tool. There is no evidence to support it.
Evolution IS the cause of over ego and fragmentation of the Human Being from Nature. Leading to all manner of hanus acts of violence, to the earth, animals and each other...

The youth today for example, believe they came from animals and so act as such, anything goes, no morals, they think they are god of their own reality. If they were rightly taught that we are Divine and all scope here on Earth is integral, that All Life is Sacred, there is Divinity here in, then they would not do the things they do/act and behave the way they do. This can be seen in so many aspects of the psyche, all ages and creeds. evolution creates division/artificial boundaries.

To teach somone to love; fkin, gold, violence and to be atheistic - Is satanic
That's both how satanists behave and what they teach. FACT!

Davie Wilcock, and his 'shift' concept are bogus.
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