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Old 24-08-2011, 11:50 AM
Avadar Avadar is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 394
Originally Posted by LadyVirgoxoxo
Hmm I do believe that Elenin has a lot to do with what's been going on here on our planet, yet I don't believe it will be the end of days as some people are claiming when it comes close to our Earth. There will be catastrophes though.
Exactly what the discarnate Saints in The Society Of Light espouse!

An environmental disruption, not an end of civilization.

Like the 6.0 earthquake that occurred yesterday on the East Coast of the US, centered in Mineral, Virginia, as well as the other recent earthquakes around the world, e.g., in Southern Colorado.

A number of astronomical analysts espouse that it is supposed to get even worse environmentally this fall. If we can make it to the January-February time frame, we'll have survived Elenin's influence on the solar winds and gravitational fields which cause the current disruptions.

All we have to do is ride out the storms, tsunamis, and earthquakes!

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