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Old 22-08-2011, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by deepsea
When you talk about 'address' are you talking about spirit controlled?
Coming directly through the medium from spirit?

I remember many years ago when I used to attend spiritualist churches more regularly,seeing a trance medium who gave her opening talk with her chinese guide coming through.
Her features changed from her own to an Oriental cast.
The change was amazing.
Her voice too took on an accent.
That was the first time I had ever seen anything like that.

Yes, that's the stuff. My ol' mum used to be in 'deep control' until she reached her 80s when working (three times a week for nigh on 50yrs) and her face used to change and the congregation used to gasp more often than not. Quite an eye opener to those who were there. 'Her' voice ( a mans) used to boom across the room. Fair made the hairs on the back of ya neck stand up it did.
The evidential bit was of course fantastic for those she came to, but what was said in the address had everyone spell-bound. I have seen most of the top mediums working including being invited into Les flints circle once upon a time many years ago. Now that was beyond beyond amazing.

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