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Old 13-08-2011, 08:17 AM
Posts: n/a
I could write a book on this. Come to think of it, I nearly have :-)

For me it was this nagging feeling that there was always something more, there was something deep inside that I couldn't scratch. At the time it all started I needed some way to give vent so I wrote stories. It didn't matter if the stories were true or not but they were a way of expressing. Using the character I could play out the part. It started off as a young lad who went off on his own and before long found himself hopelessly lost in the forest. I didn't realise it at the time but later on that was to reflect my Life. As a young lad from a small hick town I joined the RAF and went out into the big wide world. The adventures of that young lad led him to a cave where the secrets of his past were given to him by a shambling old man, and the young lad had trouble believing the old man. He used to get frustrated with the old man because he would always talk in riddles. Little did the young lad realise at the time but those riddles led him to his own answers. That shambling old man has been with me a very long time in so many different guises, and even though he still sees me as a young whelp there is great respect between us. So many echoes and reflections between the fantasy and the fact.

Writing it as a story and using the character of the young lad to explore worked. I could write the character as myself and bring out... pretty much anything. The worries, the fears, the lack of understanding, the questions. His 'physical' Spiritual mentor was my Spirit Guide and writing the story (he's a scribe) gave us both ground to explore. It also helped me develop my Spirit links, something that became useful in later Life.

It wasn't until I was on one of those old MSN forums that things really took off. I recognised connections to people, then one day I had to let loose. Taking the bull by the horns I just let it all go. After having read the post (it wasn't my fingers that did the typing) I thought "You're crazy. Bonkers." What stunned me even more was that quite a few of them came back with replies that said they could only have been there, those fantastical stories weren't so fantastic any more. That developed into a website I built to have one of those 'dungeons and dragons'-type games on. The idea was that we took on characters as we saw fit and we contributed to the on-going story. Facts soon gave way to artistic licence, but that was all a part of the fun of it. But the facts mattered less and less, what did matter was exploring and reconnecting after so many lifetimes. Behind the artistic licence there were so many Past Life issues that were resolved. One especially was the relationship between a grandfather and his twin grandchildren, whom he stole away from their parents at a very early age. Their mother was his daughter and their father was his best friend. It was done for a very good reason, but everyone involved in that had a cloud which had been hanging over them for so many Lifetimes. Yes, those were the real issues of real people played out in the story. My daughter (from that Life) is still married to my best friend. They live not too far away in the wilderness of Scotland. One of the grand-daughters is Irish and at University, she'll be moving to Edinburgh soon. The other grand-daughter has sadly passed on, and I still miss her deeply. Every time I think of her, I get told that she is with the Ones she Loves. That's something I can't possibly describe and if you knew the history you would understand, but when we used to go into chat and she would banter about me being an old man....... Considering that she had hated me for so many Lifetimes and blamed me for so many things, but we resolved those issues.

Sorry, I ramble and you don't have the monopoly on that, Nightowl :-)

Docha, let your imagination loose. Forget the facts for now, they'll come later. Once you start down that road and free your mind, you'll find your answers come from a different place. If you had been an Indian or a Celt, what would you have been like back then? I'm not sure why you hate Egypt so much but Rome I can understand. During those times Rome was busy conquering and destroying so much of what would have been your Life then.
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