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Old 02-08-2011, 11:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi again mattie! Yea I still feel like this presence is totally around me but I have learned almost completely how to deal with it. All I do nowadays is when I sense it I just lightly say "you may be here, near me, and you may try to scare me, but your presence does not have an effect on me, and you will not prevent me from doing anything I want to do" and then Ill just kinda make myself do whatever it is I want to do, and just pretty much ignore it, and that works great. Its even an empowering feeling! Like I feel like I am becoming strong against these small "training" dummbies. But hold on, you said that the universe takes us literally, surely this is not so that if I mistakinly told my "spirits" to go and never come back they would listen ?? I dont even remember doing this but isnt your spiritual team supposed to be like all wise and knowing? Would my spiritual guides have left permanantly if I did do something like that by accident?
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