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Old 19-04-2007, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Starbuck,

Yes, I know what is happening. Relax. It's called a Kundalini response. That means that energy rises in the chakras during the dream state (probably what supports the ability to lucid dream and the cause of the 'wind in your ears'/humming sound)

Your body's physical senses can only tell you about the energy rise in one way - by stimulating response using the organs and senses you have available in that part of the body. The lower chakra's cause a sensual response at the physical level when energy activates them.

I know it's tempting to head "that direction" when you feel the response. And there's nothing wrong with that. But for a new experience, and one that will help you grow in understanding of yourself as an energy being, try using that arousal as a signal that your kundalini is rising and see if you can open up to allowing it to rise further up the chakra system. DON"T PUSH it up.... just see if you can focus on ALLOWING it rise naturally.

Mitakuye Oyasin!