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Old 31-07-2011, 04:48 PM
IsleWalker IsleWalker is offline
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Location: Catalina Island, California
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I gotta admit--I'm jealous. You are very talented. I've been looking at auras for a long time--mine, trees, etc. and I still only see the clear energy. Only a few times (with a dead tree) did I see color.

Don't forget that your aura is like a mood ring--it's gonna change with your mood.

As to the different colors at different places around the body, my understanding is that that can indicate the "health" or state of that part of the body. Some see gray areas where there is illness. Seeing green in some area might indicate (I am guessing!) that healing is or needs to take place.

Sounds like you might need to ground too, if all this happens during one session in front of the bathroom mirror! You must be very able to meditate, and therefore as you do it, you may be kind of getting out of yourself. Just a guess again. Others who see auras regularly will have more concrete things, I'm sure.

But, IMO, you should feel gifted for seeing all that. Just think what you could see on other people if you weren't worried about being biased by what you wanted to see!

IsleWalker - Lora
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