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Old 29-11-2005, 09:59 PM
Posts: n/a
how to do it ?

please dont take this the wrong way...but the comment above regarding..please tell me how to do it...has alarmed me

i think everyone is individual in respect to their spirituality....and i certainly dont believe that u shld try and see and sense spirits if u havnt allready done so..

if yr development is at a point where maybe yr guides and inspirers think u are ready to see/sense spirit then im sure this will come to you naturally.......and it certainly in my opinion doesnt come to you just like that..

another way to look at it is...maybe u r already aware of spirit but havnt quite realized this yet..
think about the following and ask yrself has this ever happened b4...

had a gut feeling entering a paticular place
ever thought u have caught sight of something out the corner of yr eye (periferal vision)
ever seen small flashes of light around you
ever smelt a paticular aroma and couldnt find the source
closed yr eyes and have random images that u dont believe yr mind had put there.
ever felt u were not alone.....

i do appologise if i have maybe read yr comment wrong.......but good things come to those who wait.